By Amanda Pope, for the Ryerson Journalism Research Centre Scholarly research that explores how Canadian journalists view their role in society will be highlighted in a new documentary and accompanying website based on the results of the Canadian Worlds of Journalism Study. “SHATTERED,” directed by Lindsay Fitzgerald, a graduate of Ryerson’s Bachelor of Journalism and […]
The newest member of the Canadian Worlds of Journalism Study will represent the project team in Cardiff, Wales, later this month, where researchers from around the world will plan the next phase of the study. Lisa Taylor, an assistant professor in the School of Journalism at Ryerson University, says she’s looking forward to her role […]
First full highlights from the Canadian Worlds of Journalism Study were presented by Heather Rollwagen on behalf of the study team at the annual meeting of the Canadian Communications Association, part of the Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, at Ryerson University on Wednesday, May 30th. Slides are here. For abstract, see the Publications page.
Lauriane Tremblay a présenté des données canadiennes sur les perceptions des journalistes francophones de leur identité et de leurs rôles professonnels à la 15ème conférence annuelle sur la communication et les médias de masse, Athens Institute for Education and Research, le 9 mai 2017 à Athènes en Grèce.
What difference does language make in journalism as practised in three countries with sizeable francophone minorities. Results from Worlds of Journalism studies in Canada, Belgium and Switzerland were published in a special issue of Journalism Studies. Our comparative analysis suggests that francophone journalists in our three countries have much more in common than not with their […]
Canadian WJS co-investigator Geneviève Bonin and German colleague Corinna Lauerer will be author a paper entitled, “Worlds of Female Journalists” at the Third Worlds of Journalism Study Convention in Cardiff on September 16, 2017. Women journalists are likely be in the spotlight in several national and regional studies and a book on the global study that is now being prepared, […]
The WJS showcased first results from the recent study at various international conferences, including meetings held by the International Communication Association in Fukuoka (9-13 June 2016), the International Association for Media and Communication Research in Leicester (27-31 July, 2016), and the European Communication Research and Education Association in Prague (9-12 November, 2016)
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada has funded the Canadian Worlds of Journalism Study through a SSHRC Insight Grant for four years starting May, 2015. The Study will centre on standardized telephone interviews of 350+ anglophone and francophone Canadian journalists, using the WJS global questionnaire and methodology, with local add-on questions, and 50 qualitative follow-up […]
The Canadian WJS pilot study was completed in spring, 2015. 100 anglophone journalists were interviewed in this pilot phase, which was funded by the Ryerson Journalism Research Centre, and by Ryerson’s Faculty of Communication and Design and Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation. Preliminary findings and hypotheses for the main study (350+ anglophone and francophone […]